Templates and Data

A project to practice data output in Vue.js templates.
The homepage for the templates and data project

Project Background

This project provided me with a simulated data set pulled from The Movie Database API. The primary learning objectives of this assignment were:

Actions & Outcomes

The requirements for this project required me to fill out a provided template with data from the template context (the simulated API results). I was able to use many features of Vue.js, and had to edit the template in the Results.vue file in order to accomplish these goals.

The goal of the project was to create a "Search Results" page that shows the most popular movies of the 20th Century. I only had the first page of data to work with in this project, but the goal will be to process the data for this page into our template just like we would do if we were using a real API call.

I had to use various directives to loop through parts of the data and/or conditionals to modulate the display.

  • Fill in the template for the Results component with dynamic data
    • Populate the current-page value
    • Poupulate the total-pages value
    • Populate the total-results value
  • Create a loop that processes each of the items in the results Array
  • Display the following information to the user in the appropriate locations of the template
  • Use a conditional to determine whteher a movie is a "Critic's Choice", "Well-Liked", or a "Stinker"
  • Use another loop to display a genre list with each movie

Technologies Used